San Francisco Recreation & Park's
Natural Areas Program (NAP)

Here is some background on the SFRPD Natural Areas Program (NAP)


What’s Wrong with the NAP

The Natural Areas Program (NAP), part of the SF Recreation and Park Department, claims one-quarter of the City’s parks as its own (one-third if you include Pacifica’s Sharp Park). Originally intended to preserve remnants of San Francisco’s natural heritage, it has become a citywide empire that takes large swaths of existing habitat and changes it to match a perceived “better” San Francisco from several hundred years ago.


The Natural Areas Program Background Information

The Natural Areas Program (NAP) of the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department (RPD) was originally intended to preserve the few remnants of San Francisco’s natural heritage that still existed in city parks.


The Natural areas program environmental impact review

At the end of August 2011, the SF Planning Department released an Environmental Impact Review for the Significant Natural Resource Area Program Management Plan (NAP EIR) of the SF Recreation and Park Department (RPD).